
“Å være på bærtur” – Going berry picking

Å være på bærtur
伊東 春乃

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“Å være på bærtur” is a unique Norwegian expression that literally means “going berry picking.” However, metaphorically, it means “being lost,” “not understanding the situation,” or “acting off-target.”

In other words, it describes a state where someone is completely clueless or confused, missing the point entirely. It is often used to refer to people who are completely out of touch with the conversation or the situation.

In English, similar expressions include “completely lost” or “out of it,” which also convey the idea of not understanding or being unaware of the situation. In Japanese, expressions like “話が飛んでいる” (the conversation is off track) or “的外れな行動” (acting off-target) carry similar nuances.


The origin of this expression comes from the real-life situation of going berry picking, where people often get lost or fail to find the berries they were looking for. In Norway, berry picking is a traditional summer activity, often done in the forests.

However, forests are places where it’s easy to get lost, especially for those with little experience or poor sense of direction. This situation has come to symbolize being “lost” or “acting off-target” in a figurative sense.


This expression is frequently used in everyday conversations and at work. For example, when someone completely misunderstands the situation or when the conversation goes off track, it is used as a light criticism or a joke.

Additionally, in academic or work contexts, it can be used to describe someone who is making efforts in a completely wrong direction.


“Å være på bærtur” is a Norwegian expression used to describe someone who is lost or doesn’t understand the situation. This expression has its roots in Norway’s nature and the cultural activity of berry picking, and it is used in various contexts such as daily life, work, and school.
