
“Å få blod på tann” – Getting blood on your teeth

Å få blod på tann
伊東 春乃

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“Å få blod på tann” literally translates to “getting blood on your teeth.” This expression refers to someone who, after achieving success or a good result, becomes even more motivated and gains momentum to pursue their next goal or challenge. It describes the increased drive and passion that comes after experiencing success.

Similar expressions in English include “getting a taste for success” and “smelling blood.” Both convey the idea that once someone experiences success or a positive outcome, they gain confidence and motivation to take on new challenges with greater enthusiasm.

In Japanese, it can be compared to the phrases “riding the wave of success” or “striving for greater heights,” which also express the surge in motivation following an initial success.


This expression originates from the idea that predators, especially animals, become more eager and aggressive after tasting the blood of their prey for the first time. The taste of blood on their teeth triggers a stronger hunting instinct. This animal behavior is used metaphorically to describe how people, once they experience success, become more driven and motivated to pursue larger goals.

The expression is widely used across Norway and other Nordic cultures, and it is especially common in sports and business settings. It highlights how people become more eager to achieve bigger success after tasting the results of their initial efforts.


“Å få blod på tann” is commonly used in sports and business contexts in Norway and across many Nordic cultures. For example, it is often used when someone has achieved a small success and is now motivated to aim for even bigger accomplishments. The expression fits perfectly when someone, after gaining confidence from a previous achievement, becomes more determined to take the next step.


“Å få blod på tann” is a Norwegian expression that means becoming more motivated and driven after experiencing initial success. It is frequently used in business, sports, and personal goal-setting to describe the momentum and desire to grow further after achieving success. It is a widely used expression that conveys the idea of continued growth and striving for more after a taste of success.
