CATEGORYIcelandic "Brestur er að baki sterks manns" - Even the Strongest Man Has Weaknesses2024.11.17 Icelandic 伊東 春乃 NAVIA "Sá sem bíður, verður vís" - Those who wait become wise2024.11.17 Icelandic 伊東 春乃 NAVIA "Hverjum þykir sinn fugl fagur" - Everyone thinks their own bird is beautiful2024.11.17 Icelandic 伊東 春乃 NAVIA "Glöggt er gests augað" - A Guest’s Eye is Sharp2024.11.08 Icelandic 伊東 春乃 NAVIA "Hver er sin gæfu smiður" - Everyone is the blacksmith of their own fate2024.11.07 Icelandic 伊東 春乃 NAVIA "Aldrei skal dæma bók eftir kápunni" - Don’t judge a book by its cover2024.11.07 Icelandic 伊東 春乃 NAVIA "Mikið er undir litlum hlut" - Even small things carry great weight2024.11.06 Icelandic 伊東 春乃 NAVIA "Bjóða skal hverjum manni heim" - Offer a home to everyone2024.11.06 Icelandic 伊東 春乃 NAVIA "Lengi tekur sjórinn við" - The Sea Accepts Everything2024.11.05 Icelandic 伊東 春乃 NAVIA "Margur verður af aurum api" - Many people become monkeys because of money2024.11.05 Icelandic 伊東 春乃 NAVIA "Betri er einn fugl í hendi en tveir í skógi" - A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush2024.11.04 Icelandic 伊東 春乃 NAVIA "Oft kemur skin eftir skúr" - After the storm comes the calm2024.11.04 Icelandic 伊東 春乃 NAVIA …12
"Brestur er að baki sterks manns" - Even the Strongest Man Has Weaknesses2024.11.17 Icelandic 伊東 春乃 NAVIA
"Hverjum þykir sinn fugl fagur" - Everyone thinks their own bird is beautiful2024.11.17 Icelandic 伊東 春乃 NAVIA
"Hver er sin gæfu smiður" - Everyone is the blacksmith of their own fate2024.11.07 Icelandic 伊東 春乃 NAVIA
"Aldrei skal dæma bók eftir kápunni" - Don’t judge a book by its cover2024.11.07 Icelandic 伊東 春乃 NAVIA
"Margur verður af aurum api" - Many people become monkeys because of money2024.11.05 Icelandic 伊東 春乃 NAVIA
"Betri er einn fugl í hendi en tveir í skógi" - A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush2024.11.04 Icelandic 伊東 春乃 NAVIA