
“At tage sorgerne på forskud” – Worrying in advance

At tage sorgerne på forskud
伊東 春乃


“At tage sorgerne på forskud” means “to worry in advance.” This expression refers to the act of unnecessarily worrying or fretting over future events or problems that have not yet occurred. It serves as a warning against becoming overly anxious and overthinking things that haven’t even happened yet.

This Danish proverb is similar to the Japanese expressions “取り越し苦労” (needless anxiety) and “杞憂” (fearing something unlikely to happen). It conveys the lesson of not wasting mental energy on worries before they become reality.

The English saying “Don’t cross that bridge until you come to it” carries a similar meaning, advising against worrying about problems that may never materialize and aligns closely with “At tage sorgerne på forskud.”


In Denmark, there is a strong cultural emphasis on living a calm and relaxed life, where worrying excessively about future uncertainties is often seen as wasteful. The word “sorgerne” means “worries” or “sorrows,” while “på forskud” translates to “in advance.” Together, these words describe the act of distressing oneself over future concerns before they materialize.

This mindset is particularly connected to the harsh and unpredictable climate of the Nordic region. People in the North have learned to adapt to changes in nature without carrying unnecessary stress. Historically, as communities prepared for harsh winters, it was easy to become anxious about potential hardships. Therefore, the principle of delaying worries and focusing on the present became an essential way of coping with uncertainty. This value remains relevant in Danish culture today, encouraging people to avoid excessive concern and focus instead on the here and now.


“At tage sorgerne på forskud” is a Danish expression meaning “to worry in advance,” warning against the tendency to become overly anxious about future events that may never occur. The phrase teaches the importance of not wasting time or mental energy on excessive worries, instead emphasizing the value of living in the present moment.
