“Som man bäddar får man ligga” – You have to lie in the bed you make for yourself

“Som man bäddar får man ligga” means “You have to lie in the bed you make for yourself.” This Swedish proverb conveys the lesson that one must take responsibility for the consequences of their own actions and choices.
It emphasizes that every action or decision has consequences, and those consequences must be accepted by the person who made the decision. For example, if you make insufficient preparations, you have to deal with the results of those inadequate preparations. The phrase is often used in everyday life or in business settings to remind people of the importance of accountability for their actions.
Additionally, there is a similar expression in Norwegian: “Som man reder, så ligger man” (som man reder, så ligger man). This expression carries almost the same meaning, indicating that one has to lie in the bed they have made for themselves. The nuances are quite similar in both languages, and the proverb serves to remind people that they must accept the outcomes of their actions.
The idea behind this proverb is that it is up to you how you make your bed, and whether you sleep comfortably in a neatly made bed or uncomfortably in a messy one is also up to you. In old Swedish culture, preparing one’s bed properly was a symbol of an organized and well-managed household.
Making your bed carefully was important for ensuring a comfortable night’s sleep, and if you neglected to do so, you would have to endure the discomfort yourself. This metaphor illustrates the broader lesson that if you don’t put in the necessary effort or preparation, you must deal with the resulting consequences.
“Som man bäddar får man ligga” is a Swedish proverb that emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for the outcomes of your actions and choices. The meaning is that everything you do or prepare for will eventually come back to you, and you have to accept the results of your decisions. It serves as a reminder of the value of being prepared and accountable for your actions.