
“Många bäckar små gör en stor å” – Small streams together make a big river

Många bäckar små gör en stor å
伊東 春乃


“Många bäckar små gör en stor å” means “Small streams together make a big river.” This expression conveys the lesson that even small efforts or achievements, when accumulated, can lead to significant results. In other words, it emphasizes the importance of taking things step by step rather than trying to achieve everything all at once.

This saying is often used in contexts such as daily life, work, saving money, or learning, to highlight the value of persistence and steady effort. For example, it is used to illustrate how small savings can grow into a substantial amount over time, or how minor improvements can lead to major successes. In Japanese, a similar expression is “塵も積もれば山となる” (Even dust, when piled up, becomes a mountain), which teaches that small things, when continued, can result in something great.

Similarly, in English, phrases like “Every little bit helps” or “Little by little, a little becomes a lot” convey the idea that small contributions or efforts, when accumulated, can make a big difference.


This proverb originates from Sweden’s rich natural landscape. The country is filled with numerous streams and lakes, where small rivers merge to form larger bodies of water. This natural scenery inspired the idea that human efforts, when combined, can lead to significant achievements.

Historically, Swedes have adapted to harsh winters and challenging natural environments. In times when agriculture and craftsmanship were essential for survival, gradual and steady work was crucial. Farmers would cultivate crops little by little and store them each year, and craftsmen would refine their skills daily to create quality products. This spirit of persistence and accumulation is what the proverb embodies.


“Många bäckar små gör en stor å” is a proverb rooted in Sweden’s natural environment, teaching the value of small efforts leading to big results. The expression reflects the Swedish people’s appreciation for nature and their emphasis on steady, continuous work.

The message that perseverance and consistent effort ultimately bring great success is an encouraging thought for many, making this saying a source of motivation in various aspects of life.
