“Å snakke rett fra leveren” – Speaking directly from the liver

“Å snakke rett fra leveren” literally translates to “speaking directly from the liver.” This expression means to communicate openly and straightforwardly without using indirect language, expressing one’s true feelings honestly.
In Norwegian, the liver (“levere”) is viewed as a symbol of emotion and truth, so speaking “from the liver” implies avoiding roundabout ways of speaking and instead saying exactly what one thinks.
This is similar to the English phrase “to speak from the heart” or the Japanese expression “to speak openly,” both of which convey the idea of telling the truth without concealing anything. This shows a shared cultural value across languages of sincerity and directness in communication.
This expression comes from the ancient belief that the liver was the center of emotions and spirit. In Northern Europe and many other cultures, the liver was thought to hold strong emotions and the truth, so “speaking directly from the liver” conveys an unfiltered and honest form of communication.
Historically, the liver was regarded as an essential organ, and from this understanding came the figurative use of “speaking directly from the liver” to mean speaking truthfully and without concealment.
This expression is used in business or personal conversations when someone wants to emphasize straightforwardness. It is common in situations that require clarity, or when one wishes to convey opinions or emotions without holding back. Additionally, it’s used among friends or family to indicate that someone is about to “speak openly” or share their true feelings without reservation.
“Å snakke rett fra leveren” is a Norwegian expression meaning “to speak directly from the liver,” which conveys the idea of communicating truthfully and straightforwardly. It emphasizes the importance of honesty and sincerity, highlighting the value of conveying one’s true thoughts and feelings to others.