
“Kasta inte pärlor för svin” – Don’t throw pearls before swine

Kasta inte pärlor för svin
伊東 春乃

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“Kasta inte pärlor för svin” is a Swedish expression that literally translates to “Don’t throw pearls before swine.” This proverb teaches that giving something valuable to someone who doesn’t appreciate or understand its worth is pointless.

It uses the metaphor of pearls, which are precious and beautiful, being given to pigs, who are unable to appreciate their beauty and value, rendering the act meaningless.

In English, the expression is “Don’t cast pearls before swine,” and in Japanese, a similar phrase is “casting pearls to a cat” (猫に小判), both carrying the same meaning.


This proverb originally comes from the Christian Bible (New Testament), specifically from Matthew 7:6. In the Bible, it states, “Do not give what is holy to the dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine,” teaching that it is useless to offer precious teachings or knowledge to those who cannot appreciate or benefit from them.

This biblical reference is not only used in Sweden but also widely across other European countries and has become embedded in the culture.

In the Nordic region, pigs were primarily kept as livestock and used for food, but they were not seen as capable of understanding the value of knowledge or art. This association led the Swedish people to incorporate this biblical teaching into everyday language, and the expression has spread and evolved into its modern form.

Comparison with Danish

The Danish language has a similar expression: “At kaste perler for svin”, which translates to the same “Don’t throw pearls before swine.”

The Swedish and Danish versions are nearly identical in both meaning and origin, with both rooted in biblical teachings.

The only differences lie in subtle variations in language, such as accents or grammar, but there is no significant difference in meaning, usage, or cultural background. In both Denmark and Sweden, this proverb is widely accepted as a warning against wasting effort or resources on those who do not recognize their value.



This expression is still frequently used in modern times in both everyday life and business contexts. It is often used as a warning to avoid wasting effort or resources on someone who doesn’t appreciate or understand their worth.

For example, it is used in situations where a proposal is repeatedly explained to someone who fails to grasp its importance, or when talent goes unrecognized.


“Kasta inte pärlor för svin” is a Swedish proverb that teaches not to waste valuable things or efforts on those who cannot appreciate them. This expression shares the same meaning and background as the Danish proverb “At kaste perler for svin,” and it is widely used in both countries.

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