
“Som man reder, så ligger man” – You lie in the bed you make

Som man reder, så ligger man


“Som man reder, så ligger man” literally translates to “You lie in the bed you make.” This Norwegian proverb means “You must take responsibility for the consequences of your own actions and choices.” It emphasizes the idea that the results or impact of one’s actions must be borne by the individual, highlighting personal responsibility and the principle of cause and effect.

The Japanese expression “自業自得” (you reap what you sow) is very similar to this Norwegian proverb, reflecting the idea that one’s own actions come back to them as consequences.

In English, the phrase “You made your bed, now lie in it” carries the same meaning, implying that a person must deal with the situation they themselves have created. Across many cultures, the theme of responsibility for one’s actions and the consequences that follow is a common teaching.


The origin of this expression lies in a simple daily task. Making the bed is a basic chore in everyday life, both in the past and today. The logic is simple: if you make your bed properly, you can sleep comfortably later. This straightforward reasoning forms the basis of this proverb.

This expression is said to have been commonly used in Norwegian households during times when agriculture and self-sufficiency were the norm. People grew their own crops, maintained their homes, and were responsible for their daily tasks. This lifestyle fostered the belief that both success and failure ultimately come back to the individual. The proverb was born from the notion that one’s environment and the results of one’s actions are shaped by what one does.

Cultural Background

Norway has a strong cultural emphasis on personal responsibility and independence. This proverb reflects that mindset, conveying that every choice and action comes with consequences. Particularly in the context of Norway’s natural environment and historical background, there is a strong focus on individuals preparing their own paths and taking responsibility for the results that follow.

Norwegians value making decisions based on self-reliance, without depending on others, and accepting the outcomes of those choices. This is tied to the spirit of self-sufficiency in agricultural society and the emphasis on survival skills in the face of nature. The idea that you stand on what you have created for yourself and bear the consequences of your actions is encapsulated in this proverb.


Even today, this proverb is widely used. It is particularly applicable in situations where someone must take responsibility for the consequences of their actions, or when the impact of their choices becomes clear.

For example, it can be used when someone makes a mistake or fails, acknowledging that the cause lies in their own behavior. Conversely, it can also be used when positive results are achieved, to emphasize that one’s efforts have paid off. In business or education, the proverb is often used to encourage individuals to accept the consequences of their actions.


“Som man reder, så ligger man” is a Norwegian proverb meaning “You lie in the bed you make.” It teaches the importance of personal responsibility and accepting the consequences of one’s actions. The proverb conveys the universal lesson that one’s actions and choices ultimately determine the outcomes one must face later.