
“Å slå to fluer i en smekk” – Hitting two flies with one swat

Å slå to fluer i en smekk


“Å slå to fluer i en smekk” literally translates to “hitting two flies with one swat.” It is equivalent to the Japanese expression “一石二鳥” (one stone, two birds) and the English phrase “to kill two birds with one stone.”

Both expressions refer to achieving two outcomes with a single action, and they are often used to praise efficient choices or actions. Similar expressions can be found in many cultures worldwide, highlighting how people universally value actions that yield results without waste.


This expression comes from the idea of “smekk” (a slap), representing the action of swatting flies. It refers to successfully swatting multiple flies with a single motion. In the past, flies were often a nuisance in farms and homes, and catching even one fly could be challenging.

If someone could manage to swat two flies at once, it was seen as highly efficient. From this concept, the expression evolved to signify accomplishing multiple results with one action.

Cultural Background

In Norway, efficient working methods and simple, waste-free lifestyles are highly valued. The country’s challenging natural environment has led people to adapt and develop practical ways to achieve results while minimizing effort. Therefore, the idea of “hitting two flies with one swat” resonates strongly with Norwegians, as it reflects their appreciation for efficient and resourceful solutions.

In Norway’s harsh natural conditions, the pursuit of efficiency is also crucial for improving quality of life. This proverb reflects the importance of maximizing results with minimal effort, a value deeply embedded in Norwegian culture.


“Å slå to fluer i en smekk” is frequently used when talking about progressing efficiently or achieving multiple goals with one action. In business, it is used when a project brings multiple benefits or outcomes.

For example, when implementing new technology results in both cost savings and increased productivity, this expression would be used to highlight the efficiency of the decision.


“Å slå to fluer i en smekk” means “hitting two flies with one swat” in Norwegian. Like “killing two birds with one stone,” it refers to achieving multiple objectives with a single action, emphasizing efficiency. This expression is used in various contexts, from everyday life to business, and reflects the value Norwegians place on efficiency and practical solutions.